Everyone knows this moment when a toothache appears. And this is not our favorite feeling – right? We start thinking about the pain all the time and we try to drown out the pain by any means. A toothache can affect both one tooth and several in a row, on one or both jaws at once. The pain can radiate to the temple, affect not only the eye and ear, but also cause migraines.
There are several types of toothache:
• pulling
• sharp
• abrupt
Only a qualified doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. First your doctor needs to take a X-Ray to understand if this is a rot canal problem or something else. In case if toothache – strong, low-intensity, pulling, sharp, has appeared today or has lasted for several days – make an appointment with the dentist. Even if the pain has subsided and does not manifest itself at all, the visit cannot be canceled. You still need to see your dentist to make sure that there is no serious problem.

There are also many ways to get rid of a toothache. But all of them should be used only as a means of first aid. They can reduce pain, or even relieve it entirely. But the cause of the problem will not be eliminated. Only dental treatment can completely eliminate suffering and prevent complications. If you have a pain reliever on hand, read the directions carefully and take the tablet as directed. Very often people rinse the problem area with a soda solution. Diluted in a glass of warm water 1 teaspoon. When rinsing, you need to keep the solution over a sore tooth, soda disinfects, relieves inflammation. You can also try making a decoction of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Best of all helps with toothache a decoction of sage and chamomile.
In order to avoid these unpleasant sensations, you need to visit your dentist on time for an examination. It is better to get rid of the problem at the initial stage than to wait until the last. You will not only spend a lot of time and money on your treatment, but the pain will be much worse.
To book your consultation you can reach us at 954-457-8308.