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Smile Makeover with Full Mouth Restoration: Everything You Need to Know


Full mouth reconstruction refers to a comprehensive set of procedures designed to completely rehabilitate and restore the health and appearance of the entire mouth. It goes far beyond a basic dental cleaning or filling to fix multiple and severe issues with teeth and gums.

Reasons someone may require full mouth restoration include:

  • Severely damaged teeth from decay,
  • Trauma, or wear and tear
  • Gum disease or advanced tooth loss
  • Jaw misalignment affecting the bite
  • Multiple fractured and failing restorations like crowns and veneers

The table below summarizes the main components of full mouth reconstruction:

Procedure Purpose
Dental implants Replace missing teeth
Dental bridges Span gap of lost teeth
Crowns Repair fractured teeth
Veneers Correct worn enamel, gaps

The process often takes 12-18 months with multiple specialists. The results are a completely renewed smile that looks great and restores needed oral system functionality.

Reasons for Full Mouth Restoration

There are a variety of major oral health issues that may require full mouth reconstruction (FMR). The most common categories with specifics are outlined below:

Extensive Tooth Decay and Damage

  • Tooth decay - This progressive destruction of tooth structure from acidic byproducts of oral bacteria can require multiple extractions, fillings, or crowns
    • By the time most patients come in, the decay has already severely compromised enamel and dentin layers
    • Radiographic exam shows decay has spread to the inner pulp with risk of infection
    • Can require root canal therapy (RCT) to save remaining tooth structure, followed by crown lengthening and covering crowns
  • Dental trauma - Cracked, displaced, or fractured teeth often need crowns, implants, bridges
    • Common causes include sports injuries, vehicle accidents, attacks, or falls leading to jaw, tooth or restoration fractures
    • Tooth replacement options like dental implants or fixed bridges are needed when injuries cause tooth loss
  • Tooth wear - Years of heavy bruxism, acidic erosion, and abrasion wears down enamel and dentin layers
    • Exposed yellow dentin is very sensitive, with increased risk of painful fractures and decay
    • Requires occlusal guards plus veneers or full coverage crowns to restore form and function

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

  • Gingivitis - Early gum infection with inflammation, redness, swelling, easy bleeding
    • Mild and reversible stages respond well to professional deep cleanings and improved oral hygiene
  • Periodontitis - Severe gum infection destroying periodontal ligaments and jawbone
    • Leads to loose, migrating, or lost teeth without resolution
    • Requires dentist SRP (scaling and root planing) to reduce pockets
    • May also need splints and grafting to stabilize and regenerate lost tissue
Category Treatments
Basic Oral Hygiene Professional cleanings, antibiotic chip, prescription antimicrobial rinses
Conservative Scaling / Root Planing Hand instruments, ultrasonic devices
Regenerative Procedures Soft tissue grafts, bone grafts, protein biologic EMD
Laser Assisted Therapies LANAP uses specialized laser to aid regeneration

Missing, Failing or Misaligned Teeth

  • Tooth loss - Missing teeth cause overeruption, drifting, tempromandibular stress
    • Leads to poor chewing, excess food buildup, and bite collapse
    • Implantsbridges or strategic extractions with prosthetic options (removable partial/full dentures) are needed to manage missing teeth and restore function
  • Deteriorating restorations - Defective outdated fillings or dental work with recurrent issues
    • Common with old failing gold crowns with recurrent decay at troubled margins
    • Must replace worn metal amalgam and compromised gold with modern bonded materials
  • Malocclusion and bite issues - Misaligned jaws or teeth increase risk of fractures, chipping, mobility loss
    • Need orthodontic intervention or selective enameloplasty and occlusal adjustment
    • May also require splinting, nightguards, and TMJ therapy

As evident above, full mouth rehab is really the only way to comprehensively deal with multiple interconnected issues simultaneously through a detailed oral analysis and customized restorative roadmap.

Components of Treatment

Full mouth reconstruction involves multiple interconnected dental procedures customized to the patient's specific oral health defects. Some key components include:

Consultation and Treatment Planning

  • Thorough medical and dental history review
  • Complete intraoral and extraoral exam noting:
    • Areas of decayinfectionfractures
    • Tooth wear, erosionabrasion analysis
    • Periodontal charting and probing of pocket depths
    • Bite impressions, photos, and radiographic CBCT 3D scan
  • Custom treatment plan development listing all required procedures in proper sequence

Initial Stabilization Phase

  • Multi-appointment deep cleanings and temporary antimicrobial chip
  • Cavity fillings and root canal therapy to disinfect and preserve retaining further decay
  • Tooth extractions for non-restorable or strategically removing teeth
  • Denture or flipper tooth replacement for extracted teeth

Restorative Phase

  • Dental implants - Titanium posts fused into jawbone to replace roots
  • Implant-supported bridges and dentures - Fixed and removable options
  • Dental crowns - Encircle damaged teeth restoring shape
  • Veneers - Thin shells bonded onto front surfaces of teeth
Restoration Details
Implants Fuse with bone for durable replacement roots
Bridges Non-removable prosthetic fused over implants/teeth with gaps
Crowns Enclose entire visible tooth structure
Veneers Thin shells covering front surface of teeth

Rehabilitative Phase

  • Esthetic recontouring - Reshapes teeth for symmetry with veneers
  • Teeth whitening - Brightens stained teeth that are still intact
  • Orthodontics - Clear aligners sequentially move teeth
  • Bite adjustment - Selective grinding alleviates imbalance

The process typically takes 12-18 months working closely with your restorative dental team. But the transformation is well worth it, leaving you with a beautiful healthy smile for life!

Full Mouth Reconstruction Case Studies

Reviewing full mouth reconstruction (FMR) case studies helps potential patients better understand the transformative smile restorations possible. Here are two examples of patients who underwent FMR:

Case Study 1 - Replacing Multiple Missing Teeth

Karen, a 52-year old teacher came to the office with over 50% bone loss in her upper jaw. Over the years she had several failed root canals, bridges, and a removable partial denture.

  • Her upper arch was missing 3 teeth total including both second bicuspids and a first molar
  • The remaining upper teeth all had moderate tooth decay along the gumlines
  • Lower arch was intact but also showed signs of untreated gingivitis


  • Upper teeth deep cleaning along with lower prophylaxis
  • 3 strategic dental implants placed to support a non-removable 12 unit implant bridge
  • Upper natural teeth restored with bonded fillings and all-ceramic crowns


  • Complete smile restoration without a removable partial prosthetic appliance
  • Able to chew and speak normally again due to replaced missing teeth
  • Better protected from further decay and bone loss with implant fusions

Case Study 2 - Worn Down Front Teeth

James, a 48-year old real estate agent presented with extremely abraded and eroded front teeth from decades of daytime teeth clenching and night grinding.

  • Upper 6 front teeth were so short they no longer showed while smiling and affected his speech
  • The lower anterior teeth had cracks plus showed moderate gum recession


  • Upper arch received 8 feldspathic porcelain veneers to rebuild incisal length andwidths
  • Lower arch had splinting done between the canines using thick composite resin to stabilize mobile and cracked teeth
  • Also had a lower gum graft done to protect exposed thin root surfaces


  • Smile esthetics, tooth proportions and phonetic function improved
  • Further loss of eroded tooth structure prevented
  • Grafting prevented root sensitivity and decay risks

Smile Makeover with Full Mouth Reconstruction FAQ's

Frequently asked questions about full mouth reconstruction:

Why choose full mouth reconstruction instead of dentures or partials?

Unlike removable dentures and partials, full mouth reconstruction provides durable, non-removable restorations to replace missing teeth. Benefits include:

  • Permanent solutions like dental implants fused to the jawbone
  • Fixed bridges anchored securely to implants or strong teeth on each end
  • Custom treatment to match your natural healthy teeth structure
  • Avoidance of clasps, slipping, rattling issues with removable options
  • Better chewing capacity closer to natural teeth
  • Restored structural integrity to prevent bone loss long-term
  • Enhanced smile esthetics and phonetic function

So for patients with ample healthy bone to support implants or bridges, full mouth reconstruction delivers superior stable, reliable restorative outcomes.

How long does a full mouth restoration process take?

Most cases take an average of 12-18 months from detailed planning, surgery, to final fit and finish. Initial exams, scans, cleanings, and temporaries can take a few months. Strategic tooth extractions, bone and gum grafting also add time if needed.

The intensive surgical procedures like placing multiple dental implants (2-6 months for osseointegration with the jaw bone) followed by abutment connections are critical steps affecting the timeline. Finally, fitting and adjusting bridges and crowns meticulously to ensure proper form, contours and bite alignment takes patience and precision.

So depending on your specific degree of oral defects and restorations required, working closely with your oral health team is essential for the best possible treatment and smile transformation outcomes long-term.

What is the cost of full mouth reconstruction procedures?

The cost of full mouth reconstruction varies widely based on the number of teeth involved and types of restorations required. Some cost ranges include:

  • Single tooth implant : $1500-$4000
  • Implant-supported bridge (per tooth) : $3000-$5000
  • Metal-ceramic crown : $800-$3000
  • Porcelain-fused-metal bridge (per unit) : $1500-$5500
  • Dental veneer : $1000-$2500
  • Clear corrective aligners : $3500-$8000

Many prices are given as fee ranges since treatment is extremely customized per patient. Those needing extensive combination cases requiring over 6 dental implants and 10 or more crowns/veneers should expect to invest $30,000-$80,000 for a complete smile restoration. However most clinics offer attractive financing options to offset costs over months or years with a reasonable monthly payment plan.

How painful is the full mouth reconstruction process?

TheReconstruction process isn’t typically described as painful thanks to profound local anesthesia and advancing technology. However you may experience short-term sensitivity or discomfort especially around more invasive surgical procedures like tooth extractions, bone grafting, or several simultaneous implant placements.

Your dental team will prescribe pain management medication as needed. Most patients report procedures like impressions, try-ins of tooth-colored restorations, and texturing/bonding are quite tolerable. So with an experienced doctor mapping out procedures in strategic phases, any discomfort is generally very manageable.

Can full mouth reconstruction be done in phases over time?

Absolutely, full mouth restorations can be divided into treatment phases for patient comfort, scheduling needs, or budget considerations:

  • Phase 1 may focus on immediate infection control, fixing failing restorations, and removing non-restorable teeth if needed.
  • Phase 2 tackles complex surgical steps like bone augmentation, sinus lifts for needed dental implant sites and actual careful placement.
  • Phase 3 involves making sure implants have fully integrated with bone before taking impressions to design permanent bridges, crowns, and veneers.
  • Final phase deals with esthetic adjustments like teeth whitening after ensuring stable functional occlusion.

Breaking extensive treatment plans down into defined segments makes the process less overwhelming. Just communicate your needs clearly to your dental team when planning your mouth restoration roadmap.

What’s the difference between a full mouth reconstruction and a smile makeover?

While the terms sound similar, they differ in the scope and intensity of dental work involved:

  • Full mouth reconstruction addresses major functional and esthetic concerns through comprehensive restorations using crowns, implants, veneers etc.
  • smile makeover focuses primarily on esthetic enhancements like reshaping, dental bonding and teeth whitening.

So full mouth reconstruction aims to completely rebuild worn, infected, and damaged dentition. It restores both health and beauty from the ground up, which indirectly enhances smile esthetics significantly.

Makeovers offer more surface-level improvements for those seeking brighter, straighter, more youthful smiles. But makeovers may not properly treat underlying dental disease or bite issues that reconstructive dentistry can fully correct through fundamental oral renovation.

What can I expect during the initial consultation and treatment planning phase?

The in-depth consultation starts with a review of medical/dental histories, facial/intraoral photography and advanced 3D CBCT scanning as needed. Your dentist will perform a thorough clinical examination checking for:

  • Areas of infection, fractures, worn enamel, cavities
  • Assessment of restorations needed vs extraction
  • Tooth mobility, bite alignment and occlusion balance
  • Esthetic tooth positioning and gum health

Next comes a discussion to understand your functional and esthetic concerns/goals for your smile transformation. Based on all gathered diagnostic data and discussions with you, the dentist creates a master treatment plan document outlining every procedure, sequence, estimated fees and timing.

This custom blueprint is key for successfully managing the complex multifaceted process of full mouth restorations, so you understand what to anticipate at each forthcoming step.

Should I consider orthodontic treatment first before undergoing full mouth reconstruction?

In certain situations, having orthodontic treatment beforehand can greatly benefit the outcome of full mouth reconstruction. Straightening teeth allows for ideal alignment of the final restorative work like dental implants, bridges and crowns. It also takes stress off existing teeth, distributing bite forces more evenly.

Talk to your prosthodontist and orthodontist about whether clear aligner treatment makes sense as an initial phase of care. But other times, it works better to get the reconstructions done first to establish a stable bite platform. Then orthodontic refinement using fixed or clear methods follows at the end stage.

Either way, sound interdisciplinary planning between the reconstructive dental team optimizes the final result - a healthy beautiful smile that brings back quality of life.

Finding the Right Dentist for Full Mouth Reconstruction

Selecting an experienced reconstructive dentist is key for successful full mouth restoration (FMR). Here are tips when choosing the right dental office:

Search for a Prosthodontist or Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist

Prosthodontists receive 3 additional years of advanced residency training focused on complex tooth replacements like:

  • Dental implants
  • Crownsveneers and fixed dentures/bridges
  • Removable full and partial dentures
  • Managing problematic tooth loss and bite collapse cases

Meanwhile, accredited cosmetic dentists must complete rigorous continuing education in esthetic and reconstructive techniques. So these specialists are uniquely equipped to handle full mouth rehabs combining art and science.

Verify Extensive Experience with Full Mouth Reconstruction Cases

Ideally the dentist has 10+ years devoted to FMR, having managed diverse complex scenarios. They will also have trusted referral networks with periodontists, oral surgeons and orthodontists that co-manage certain treatment phases.

Ask how many cases similar to yours they have successfully completed. Evaluate their before-and-after smile transformation photo galleries for real patient outcomes.

Understand Their Digital Dentistry Capabilities

Ask if they utilize advanced 3D CBCT scanners, intraoral cameras, CAD/CAM milling for custom-designed restorations for optimal precision and accuracy. Digital dentistry enhances diagnoses, treatment targeting, and accuracy for the best fit.

Discuss Their Recommended Materials for Restorations

Teeth crowns, veneers, implants and other replacements should utilize tooth-colored materials that look and feel natural. Top choices include durable high-grade porcelain or zirconia. Ensure they avoid cheaper less biocompatible metallic alloys.

Review Costs and Available Payment Plans

While FMR costs can range widely ( $30,000 to $80,000), the dentist’s treatment coordinator will formulate all-inclusive fee estimates. Also discuss acceptable dental insurance coverage and flexible monthly payment plans they provide to ease financial burdens.

Selecting a dentist experienced in full mouth restorations who clearly explains each phase using advanced techniques and materials gives you the best chance for successful healthy life-changing smile outcomes.

About Our Dental Practice: Your Right Dentist for Full Mouth Construction Specialist in Hallandale

Svetlana Dental and Esthetic Center in Miami specializes in affordable effective cosmetic dentistry and smile makeovers. They use the latest techniques and technology to transform smiles. At our state-of-the-art practice, we provide smile make over with full mouth reconstruction treatment to give you the smile you deserve.

Services included:

  • Cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants and crowns to improve appearance.
  • Full mouth reconstruction to completely rehabilitate and reshape teeth entire mouth
  • Treatment planning and smile makeovers to align and reshape teeth for an enhanced smile
  • General and specialist dental care using cutting-edge equipment

Dr. Anokhina Svetlana, helps patients achieve natural looking, healthy smiles affordably in Miami. For exceptional dental service, and five-star patient experiences in Miami Hallandale, FL, choose our dental office. Call today to schedule your consultation!

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