Dental veneers are special microscopic prostheses designed to eliminate defects in the front teeth. Porcelain or composite are used as compositions for veneers. Veneers transform the aesthetic perception of teeth and enhance their strength properties. Veneers give the patient’s front teeth a beautiful appearance, giving the teeth an even shade that matches the color of the rest of the teeth in
the front of the jaw.
Veneers are designed exclusively for attachment to the face of the tooth and the cutting edge. The thickness of classic veneers can range from 0.5 to 0.6 mm.
Porcelain veneers
Porcelain is rightfully considered the basic material for creating veneers. It is most similar to the appearance of human tooth enamel and its structure. The increased strength of the material, color retention throughout the entire service life of the veneers cannot be ignored. Additional translucency enhances the aesthetic qualities of veneers.
The Advantage of Porcelain Veneers:
- the most durable material
- the most natural appearance
- will never turn yellow in the future
- hypoallergenic material
- the ability to produce any color
- translucency
- the service life of veneers is limited only by a person receiving dental injuries in extreme situations
- the production of high-quality composite veneers is carried out outside of dentistry – the dental laboratory
- high price compared to composite veneers
Composite veneers
Installation of composite veneers has certain disadvantages. Dentists create them directly in the patient’s mouth using filling material. Composite veneers have more disadvantages than advantages.
- there are only a few color options for composite veneers
- after a few years, composite veneers begin to darken and turn yellow
- very fragile material, which implies replacement of veneers after a maximum of 5 years
- in most cases they do not look natual
- cheap price
- 1 day procedure
The service life of composite veneers is limited to 2-3 years. In an ideal situation, if the dentist strictly adhered to the technology, the life of veneers will increase to 4 years.
Still have questions? We will be happy to talk with you and answer all your questions. To schedule a consultation, please call us at office 954-457-8308.